Friday, March 1, 2013

LDS Church releases New Edition of the English Scriptures.

This is huge.

Otherwise known as small changes that make a remarkable difference.

Since 1981, the LDS Church has been using the same edition of the scriptures. There were significant changes for that edition (see here for a fantastic new gallery stroll though all the editions of LDS scriptures noting the significant changes in each edition since the 1833 Book of Commandments), but I was a kid. I certainly didn't see the significance. I only knew that my mom had this old triple combination that to which she was very attached and every once in a while she'd read something different or was on a different page than what was in my own scriptures. (For those of you who don't want to make a change, none of the page numbers have changed.)

Last night, early this morning for me, a new edition of the English scriptures was announced. See the announcement here and a host of important additions to help us in our understanding of scripture and particularly the Doctrine and Covenants. Personally, I am rejoicing this morning.

The Church History Department's work on the Joseph Smith Papers (JSP) and and the work of some individual historians has yielded much new information. This adds much of that to the contextual material available in introductions and section headings. If you want to compare, the church has here published an 87-page side by side comparison of the changes. (It is a big file, it took a while.) Hooray for transparency.

As I've perused this morning, here is a smattering of some of the changes:

The changes demonstrate my faith in an open canon and I believe they testify to the need for modern revelation (and good historians doing good work).

Today, I am rejoicing.

The digital edition is available now. On apple devices it will not update automatically, go into your Gospel Library app and delete and re-add the scriptures.


  1. You don't have to delete on an Android -- just update. Thanks for your post!

  2. Wow. This is fabulous. I hope you don't mind sharing your blog with the WH RS. Loves!
